Work underway to fix Shrigley subsidence

Work underway to fix Shrigley subsidence

1 August 2012

WORK has started to make safe an area of land in Shrigley where a huge hole opened up in the ground at the end of March.

Contractors moved on site this week following an investigation which revealed that more holes could open up at an amenity area which is owned by Down Council.

In March, a four foot wide hole appeared as children were playing football at a grass area where old houses occupied by former mill workers once stood.

The ground subsidence revealed a bricked archway and entrance into what local people believe was a former coal store or basement of one of the old houses.

Experts using penetrating radar equipment discovered what was described as “significant sub-surface disturbance” at three different locations at the amenity area.

Council officials haven’t cut grass at the Shrigley location since the end of March as they are concerned about the health and safety of staff using a tractor to pull a large gang mower.

The ongoing repair work involves the areas of concern being dug out and compacted to prevent further collapse.

Killyleagh councillor Billy Walker has welcomed the start of work to make the Shrigley amenity area safe.

He said this particular area is extremely popular with children, with their safety and that of other local people and local authority staff who maintain it of “paramount importance.”

“Down Council reacted very quickly on this issue. The survey it ordered highlighted other areas which could collapse and the local authority’s prompt action has resulted in contractors working on site to make sure there are no more land collapse incidents,” he said.

“The local council and its officers deserve praise for the way they have dealt with this issue. Making sure local authority land is safe is of vital importance.”