Students are bridging the generation gap

Students are bridging the generation gap

9 May 2012

IT is often said there is a gulf opening up between the traditional values of the older generation and the high-tech modern society so celebrated by young people.

But every week in Downpatrick a group of students do their bit to bridge that gap, meeting up with pensioners to share their lives develop understanding

Every Monday afternoon students from St. Patrick’s Grammar School spend an hour with the residents of Lecale Lodge Nursing Home.

Members of the school’s St. Vinent de Paul conference, the students organise games and activites for the residents or simply spend their time chatting.

It is an hour that is valued by the residents, the staff at Lecale Lodge and the students.

Conor Wilson is a year 10 student who values his contacts with the elderly residents. “We take a lot from the people who make our community what it is, but I think it’s also very important to remember that we must give back. This is one of the basic principles upon which our little society exists.”