SDLP heads high after vote endorsement

SDLP heads high after vote endorsement

10 July 2024

THE SDLP’S Colin McGrath said the outcome of the Westminster poll shows that a significant number of people across South Down still subscribe to the view that only consensus politics can create a truly shared home place.

He led a high profile campaign and said he takes great heart from the fact that just over 10,400 people voted for him in what was a low key election campaign.

Mr McGrath was magnanimous in congratulating Sinn Fein’s Chris Hazzard on his victory, admitting that elections are tough and gruelling.

“The result for us is one that we can hold our heads high with,” he said.

“It’s an improvement on the Assembly election of two years ago and shows that within the constituency of South Down, there is still a will to take the SDLP view and we will continue to do that.”

Mr McGrath — who saw the gap between the SDLP and Sinn Fein widen —said politics wasn’t easy. 

“While I’m disappointed that I was unsuccessful in this election, I do take heart in the fact that over 10,000 people gave the SDLP in South Down their vote in this election,” he said. 

“To those people and to my entire team who gave so tirelessly of their time and efforts I can only pay my most sincere thanks.”

Mr McGrath said his vote endorses that a significant number of people across South Down still want and subscribe to the view that it is only through consensus politics that a truly shared home place, at peace with itself, can be created.

“No one party can achieve that and so I look forward to the future in working with other parties and people from right across the social and political spectrum to continue delivering the best outcomes for people here.”

Mr McGrath said the people of South Down had spoken and had again elected Chris Hazzard as their MP. 

“I wish Chris well with this work and assure him that as a voter in the South Down constituency, which he represents, I will continue to hold him to account for what he must now deliver as the MP for South Down.

“He must now deliver the proper investment into the Downe and Daisy Hill hospitals, the wastewater infrastructure to allow more homes to be built in South Down and maintain our climate change obligations.”

In addition, Mr McGrath said the returning MP must help build a health system that is fit for purpose and deliver affordable and accessible childcare. 

“These were the reasons Chris wanted people to vote for him and that is what they want to see delivered,” said the SDLP candidate.

With the election over, Mr McGrath said his work as an MLA and his party’s spokesman on health would continue.

“I will continue to utilise that constituency based service to represent everyone in this constituency within the Assembly and remind them that while it sadly wasn’t to be on this occasion, the SDLP in South Down is not going away.

“We will always be here for the electorate and will never be deterred in our mission to build a centre-left, non-sectarian New Ireland.”