Rowallane and Slieve Croob AGM

Rowallane and Slieve Croob AGM

17 July 2024

THE Rowallane and Slieve Croob Community Twinning Group held its annual meeting recently, bringing to an end another busy year.

A review of the past 12 months was provided by chairwoman Karen Patterson with treasurer Raymond Cochrane providing an overview of the group’s finances.

Katrina Drake conducted the election of officers for the new year.

She has managed the Drumaness Heritage Facebook page which has now over 700 followers around the world. 

This project followed on from the launch of the Mills and Millars video and Katrina continues to post articles and photographs, which are researched by Janet Clarke, Martin Drake, Norma Gilgunn, Francis McLean and Shona Fenton.

Ms Patterson was re-elected chairwoman, with Michel Richel appointed as her deputy, while Kathleen Lyons and Norma Gilgunn were re-elected as secretary and assistant secretary respectively. 

Mr Cochrane continues as treasurer, ably assisted by Janet Clarke. 

Francis McLean now heads up the health and wellness sub-group with Michael Rooze heading the culture and heritage sub-group and Violet Hawthorne at  the helm of the catering sub-group.

The twinning group will deliver projects for Newry Mourne and Down  Council focusing on good relations, policing and community safety partnership, minority communities, active and healthy communities and Irish language. 

Funding has also been awarded by the Community Foundation and Ultach Fund.

A calendar of varied activities is planned to include coach tours, a tea dance, concert, ceili and the launch of the group’s Arts and Culture Heritage mini documentaries on the Spa and Ballynahinch.

There will also be health and wellness sessions and Irish classes for all on Wednesday afternoons in the Dan Rice Hall in Drumaness.

The Twinning Group says it’s grateful for the funding from Newry Mourne and Down Council, Ballynahinch  Credit Union and the Community Foundation Ultach Fund.