Newcastle getting ready to greet Festival Flight crowds

Newcastle getting ready to greet Festival Flight crowds

8 August 2012

AN estimated 50,000 visitors are expected to flock into Newcastle this Saturday for the B/E Aerospace Festival of Flight

The one day dazzling aerobatic displays will be delighting crowds with prime viewing spots, not only in Newcastle but also stretching right along the Dundrum Bay coastline.

Zooming in over the Mournes will be a thunderous Typhoon jet display, a Hawker Hunter jet, a unique 1944 Supermarine Spitfire PR Mk XI making its first visit to Down District, plus some stunning aircraft delivering dazzling aerial performances.

The Aerostars, one of Europe’s most spectacular and well known civilian display teams, will be performing their celebrated synchronised flying, with six aircraft in tightly choreographed formation aerobatics.

The event will also feature the ever popular Irish Air Corps with their four ship graceful Pilatus PC-9M and an air and sea rescue demonstration by the Irish Coast Guard alongside the Newcastle Coastguard team. The Belgian Airforce will also have a static A109 helicopter display in Donard Park.

At ground level this year’s B/E Aerospace Festival of Flight invites locals and visitors alike to relive some of the sights and sounds of the arrival of the GIs to Newcastle 70 years ago. With the influx of the ‘Yanks’ came memorable elements of their American culture — from music and dance to chewing gum, Hershey Bars and nylon stockings, all helping to change the face of Newcastle and rural County Down.

In Donard Park displays of wartime vehicles and memorabilia by UMVA and model aircraft displays by UMAC will get audiences ‘in the mood’ for some stars and stripes nostalgia, with U105 reinforcing that great atmosphere during the day and rounding it off with a free concert at the Newcastle Promenade.

U105’s Maurice Jay will introduce James Huish and his nine-piece band to enchant audiences with an evening of sheer entertainment including all the favourite hits from the 1940s and 50s, bringing the show right up to date with all Michael Bublé’s smash hits. And it’s all free!

Down Council chairperson Mickey Coogan commented: “We have absolutely packed our Big Day on Saturday with free family events, offering everything from street entertainment, vintage vehicles, model aircraft and kite flying displays to a dramatic air sea rescue display in front of Newcastle promenade followed by a static display in Donard Park.

“There are opportunities for free face painting and craft classes for the kids, dance competitions and music for all ages. The list goes on.

“We have so much on offer that we have created a week-long festival, with events and activities starting on Monday and running right through to Sunday, and in line with Council policy, we have worked hard to ensure that events are either totally free or affordable for families.

“Alongside the great entertainment we have plenty of parking available at multiply sites around Newcastle. A free park-and-ride will operate from Northfield on the Castlewellan Road from 11am to 9pm and I would encourage everyone to follow the signs on approach to Newcastle.

Councillor Coogan added: “Newcastle has a great tradition as a family-friendly resort and that is something which we want to reinforce and enhance with events such as the B/E Aerospace Festival of Flight.