Newcastle comedian Ryan Hand delighted to release first book

Newcastle comedian Ryan Hand delighted to release first book

11 January 2023

NEWCASTLE-BORN comedian, DJ and TV presenter Ryan Hand has recently finished his first novel, which he describes as a “whirlwind journey with laughs, life lessons and adventure”.

The novel, entitled Stardust: Amazing Archie The Singing Sensation, releases on January 26 and sees the title character go on a musical adventure in America after finding a magical jacket in a London thrift shop.

“It’s aimed at 8-12 year-olds, but anyone can enjoy it,” Ryan said.

“Archie isn’t a singer, he always liked numbers and football, but he finds the jacket which once belonged to a 1960s Hollywood star”.

Despite the fantastical nature of the story, Ryan explained that there is an element of wish-fulfilment from his real life in Stardust.

Growing up on the Dundrum Road, Ryan spent his formative years at St Mary’s Boys’ Primary School in Newcastle and St Malachy’s High School, Castlewellan, where he dreamed of being an entertainer.

“I’ve always had this fascination, when I was a young lad, with being a rock star,” he said.

“I’m more known as a DJ, but I also write music, sing, play guitar and play piano.

“I just released my first track in December, a Christmas song about my mum who passed away in 2008, and I hope to release more music this year.

“The romance of being a rock star inspired me to write the book.”

Moving to Belfast at 18 before eventually travelling to live in London, Ryan returned to Newcastle during the Covid pandemic.

It was then that the 35-year-old decided to focus on writing his first novel, which he calls a “lockdown project”.

“Coming back to Newcastle during the pandemic, it was different,” Ryan conceded. “I always loved the bright lights and the opportunities in London, but I get withdrawal symptoms of Newcastle when I’m away. 

“When I came home, it was just nice to go trekking in the mountains, go sea swimming and do all the things you couldn’t do in the ‘Big Smoke’. Newcastle’s such a small town. When you walk through it, you will end up talking to everybody from the bottom of the town to the top and it’s something I absolutely love.

“You walk up the street and see all your old friends, schoolteachers, neighbours and mates’ parents. It’s such a tight-knit community.”

Ryan said that writing a book for the first time came with its own set of unique challenges.

“It was a long process from writing it, to sending the finished version, to getting it published,” he said.

“Writing takes so much time and dedication. You need to spend at least a couple of hours a day to really gain momentum and get it done.”

Finding himself at home for the first time since he was a teenager, Ryan took the novel as an opportunity to collaborate with old friends.

Stardust is illustrated by local artist Emma Douglas, while Newcastle graphic designer Ryan Hardy worked on the styling of the cover and the text.

“It’s actually all ex-St Malachy’s pupils who created the book,” Ryan explained. “Emma actually hasn’t done much illustrating, so she was really happy and grateful she could illustrate the book. 

“She’s got a couple of young kids, so she’s delighted she can see her name on a book cover.

“It’s great to have three past St Malachy’s pupils being able to show their talents in the book.”

While Stardust is Ryan’s main focus for now, he would like to see Archie return in new adventures or in different mediums.

“I haven’t really though about writing follow-up books for Archie as it starts and finishes nicely,” he said.

“My hope’s always been that this will get made into a film, but the quickest way to get it out there was to make a young adult book. 

“There are actually songs I’ve written in the book, so I’d love to get it made for stage or screen. 

“It could definitely be a musical in the right hands.”

Stardust: Amazing Archie The Singing Sensation will be available from online retailers on January 26 and can be pre-ordered now at