Near completion of Saintfield street scheme welcomed by local councillor

Near completion of Saintfield street scheme welcomed by local councillor

10 July 2024

WORK on Saintfield Main Street’s environmental improvement scheme is nearing completion.

The scheme has been welcomed by Rowallane councillor Callum Bowsie who has confirmed that Newry, Mourne and Down Council has agreed to install a number of bollards at new crossing points to deter drivers from parking on them.

Some planters will also be used to help address the parking issue.

Cllr Bowsie has also dismissed concern that original heritage street lights included in the Main Street upgrade will not be provided.

He said modern lights which are currently in place are temporary as the new heritage lights won’t be ready for installation for another few weeks.

In addition, Cllr Bowsie said he has lobbied on numerous occasions for Saintfield to have more disabled-friendly footpaths and is pleased that kerbs have been ped on the northern side of the street to facilitate those with mobility issues.

“The local council has also agreed to extend the footpath resurfacing up to the roundabout after I pointed out that it previously stopped short of the top of the Main Street and made the resurfacing look incomplete,” he explained.

“Although the lower half of the street is not a part of the environmental improvement scheme, the council has agreed to resurface these footpaths for uniformity purposes and this work will be carried out as quickly as possible, once the upper half is completed.”

Cllr Bowsie said while the improvement works have caused a lot of disruption to traders, he has been liaising with traders, residents and council officials on an almost daily basis to try and resolve this where possible. 

“I will be speaking to the council further this week to iron out existing issues raised with me and a report on the progress will be presented,” he said.

“I am pleased that Main Street itself will then be in line for an upgrade following the completion of the council's environmental improvement scheme. This will include replacing any missing granite kerbs.”