Murlough litter and car parking concerns to be discussed with officials

Murlough litter and car parking concerns to be discussed with officials

6 June 2012

NEWCASTLE councillor Patrick Clarke is to meet the National Trust to discuss recent littering at the Murlough Nature Reserve.

Mr. Clarke will also hand over a petition objecting to the abolition of the local residents’ pass which allows local residents to drive their cars into the reserve for the cost of £26. The Trust wants the pass holders to take out National Trust membership at a cost of £53.

The councillor says he has received numerous complaints about the state of Murlough Nature Reserve and the significant volume of rubbish left by visitors following the aftermath of the good weather.

“As a regular walker of Murlough Nature Reserve I was saddened that families and people who visited left the beautiful beach and nature reserve during the warm hot spell left the area in such a depressing state,” he said.

“I will therefore be requesting the National Trust to put in place a specific strategy which will have procedures regarding the cleaning and maintenance of litter at Murlough Nature Reserve during peak tourism times.

“I fully understand the National Trust are relying on people to remove their litter is a great ideology but in reality this does not happen which was clearly evident at Murlough Nature Reserve.”

Mr. Clarke said the recent winning of Blue Flag status for Murlough beach means the Trust will need to increase the number of signs and litter bins in the reserve.

On the decision to do away with the residents’ pass Mr. Clarke said it was “wholly unacceptable” le to remove a long standing agreement between Dundrum residents and the Trust over access to the reserve.

“On a point of principal I would agree with Dundrum residents that the doubling

of entrance fees to the car park area from the north point of Murlough without consultation is ridiculous,” he said.

“I will be asking the National Trust to therefore not implement the increase car park charges to the Dundrum residents who presently hold the passes to access Murlough Nature reserve from Keel Point.”