Killyleagh beach clean up removes 15 bags of rubbish

Killyleagh beach clean up removes 15 bags of rubbish

A TEAM of dedicated volunteers who took part in Killyleagh’s annual beach clean recently collected 15 bin bags packed full with rubbish.

The volunteers split into four teams combing different areas and their rubbish haul included bottles, cans, glass, wrapping paper and empty crisp packets.

Other items recovered included two old car tyres, windscreen wipers, various lengths of rubber tubing, plastic sheeting and even metal bars.

The weather was kind to the volunteers whose annual clean-up coincided with the Beachwatch Big Weekend event supported by Tidy NI.

The clean-up, which focused on a stretch of beach from Killyleagh Yacht Club round to the Presbyterian manse, took place 24 hours before the town’s annual harbour boat races, organised as part of the Magnus Barelegs Viking festival.

Mr. Tony Davies, chairman of the Killyleagh Social Partnership (KSP) which organised the beach clean, said he is continually “amazed” at the items recovered along the foreshore.

“While you can believe some of these items were accidentally washed off boats, some of them were deliberately tipped into Strangford Lough,” he said.

“The waterway is one of the most beautiful places in the world, yet people dump fast food containers and empty drinks containers in there without a second thought. We all have to put a stop to this if we are to continue to enjoy Strangford Lough in all its glory.”

Mr. Davies said the beach clean was a real family affair with a number of parents bringing along their children. He said the youngest collectors were the Heron twins who were decked out in matching outfits with their big sister Emma.

He added: “We would like to thank Tidy NI who support our beach clean. Their programme, supported by Coca Cola, means we have all the equipment we need to do a good job.

“We have also been fortunate over the past two years with Tidy NI sending along one of its team and we’d like to thank Nicola Murray for all her hard work. We would also appeal to local people to help keep our beach clean.”