Glowing report for Loughinisland pre-school

Glowing report for Loughinisland pre-school

31 January 2024

LOUGHINISLAND Cross Community Pre-School has received a glowing report in a recent inspection.

The Education and Training Inspectorate conducted a pilot inspection analysing the pre-school’s ethos to ensure the holistic development of each child.

The pre-school has been educating local children for 25 years and education inspectors have given a ringing endorsement its ability to carry out their vision through actions of the staff.

Sixteen children, including some with special needs, attend the pre-school. There are three members of staff – Eileen Owens, leader, Louise Millar, deputy leader, and Mel Martin, assistant.

The report says the pre-school “is very well supported by staff, parents and the local community”.

The report also said that the personal, social and emotional development of all children is of a very high standard.

“They show respect, tolerance and kindness towards their peers and staff,” the report states.

“All of the children display high levels of perseverance, have very good social skills and their behaviour is exemplary.”

The report emphasises the fundamental role each member of staff has in realising the pre-school’s vision. 

“The highly skilful staff interactions develop successfully the children’s language, independence, creativity, thinking skills and problem-solving,” the report said.

“The staff’s approach to short-term planning is strategic and very responsive to the interests of the children.

“The staff know the children well and the regular observations and assessments are used effectively to inform future planning.”

The Inspectorate also said that the staff have prioritised appropriately for improvement in the development plan and that the staff’s prioritisation of professional learning is impacting positively on the needs of the children and on their progress. 

As well as commending the staff and pupils of the pre-school, the inspectorate sought feedback from the parents whose children attend the pre-school.

Responding to confidential questionnaires, all of the responses were positive along with additional comments about the welcoming, friendly and supportive staff and the effective 

communication methods used by the staff to inform parents how their child is progressing. 

Mrs Owens said she was delighted with the “excellent” report.

“The ETI inspected our school over two days and focused on five core elements: setting the vision, implementing and improving to achieve the vision, building equity, embedding success, growing a community of learning and child protection.

“We were delighted that the ETI found that we were able to identify and implement our vision of holistic development for each one of the children.”

Mrs Owens said staff were key to the pre-school’s success.

“This award is testament to their hard work and the fact we done so well in a pilot inspection is just fantastic,” she remarked.

“Parents who send their children know the quality of learning their children will receive.

“Our ethos has extended beyond Loughinisland through word-of-mouth, which has resulted in parents sending their children from Drumaness, Downpatrick and other local towns to our pre-school.

“The staff are delighted with the outcome and recognition for their commitment and dedication to the pre-school and the children whom they educate.

“The pre-school is a great asset to the community of Loughinisland with lots of families returning with children and grandchildren over the past 25 years.”