Financial pressure mounts again for local HomeStart

Financial pressure mounts again for local HomeStart

1 August 2012 - by Joanne Fleming

HOME-START Down District is back on the fundraising trail, with an uncertain future facing its Ballynahinch and Newcastle offices.

Health Minister Edwin Poots awarded the charity £50,000 for the year 2011-12 in December after it struggled to find sufficient funding for these offices in the previous year. And by the time the money came through in May it was already earmarked for a number of essential services.

A charity abseil organised for the Europa Hotel next month is now one of ways in which Home-Start hopes to raise enough money to keep afloat until a permanent solution is found.

The charity, which provides practical help to families experiencing difficulties, is widely praised for the part it plays in preventing further intervention by statutory bodies, but

has been dogged by a lack of long term funding in recent years.

Dorothy McMullan, Senior Organiser with Home-Start Down District, said

Mr. Poots had indicated support for a strategy of funding to be in place for 2013, and that steering groups were being set up, but that keeping the offices open in the meantime was difficult.

“We are beginning to panic again,” she said. “We are not confident at all. “We are trying to get politicians on board again.”

Mrs. McMullan emphasised that the charity had done all it could to stay afloat in the circumstances.

“We have centralised all our administration in Downpatrick, we are streamlined,” she said.

Mrs. McMullan said the families they helped were also shocked to hear that they faced such funding difficulties.

“They know what a difference we do make,” she said. “They know we make such a difference to their lives and that of their children.”

The Home-Start charity abseil will take place on Saturday, September 8 or Sunday, September 23 at the Europa Hotel in Belfast. The cost of taking part is £15, which is refundable for those raising over £115.

There is also the chance to win a weekend away for two for the person who raises the most sponsorship.

To take part and get a sponsorship form, contact 4461 5727, or email

Alternatively telephone Dorothy (07590 849280), Imelda (07590 849278) or Sharon (07590 849281).