Farmers’ group hit by diesel robbery

Farmers’ group hit by diesel robbery

1 August 2012 - by David Telford

RED diesel worth an estimated £1,000 has been stolen from the East Down Farmers outlet outside Downpatrick.

The culprits, who were caught on CCTV, targeted the Tullynaskeagh Road base on July 20, with the theft coming after a number of local farmers had red diesel stolen from storage tanks at their farms.

Mr. Chris Carinduff, the manager of East Down Farmers, said the premises was targeted just before 1am when a Jeep with five people on board stopped at a field close to the business.

The thieves, who were armed with five gallon drums, used planks to cross a river to access the yard.

“The men filled the drums with 1,250 litres of diesel and then walked across the river to where their Jeep was parked,” Chris explained.

“The men left the area about one hour after they arrived but did not take all the fuel drums which they had filled. At 3.25am, a Transit van arrived at the field when a number of men got out and placed the remaining fuel drums in the rear before they drove off.”

Mr. Carinduff said the East Down Farmers business has been targeted by thieves in the past and said several local farmers have reported diesel being stolen from their premises recently.

“I know of one farmer who had around 300 gallons of diesel stolen and it would appear the thieves involved in this crime have local knowledge. East Down Farmers is a business which people from outside the area would probably have trouble finding,” he added.

Downpatrick councillor Dermot Curran has expressed concern at the diesel thefts and appealed to anyone who can help detectives with their enquiries to contact them.

“The theft of diesel and home heating oil is on the increase. I would appeal to people and farmers to make their premises as secure as possible,” he continued.

“One would assume large vehicles are required to move large quantities of diesel and I would encourage people to report any suspicious activity, particularly in the vicinity of rural businesses and dwellings.”

Councillor Curran said in the current economic climate many business are finding the going tough and should not have the added worry of thieves targeting their premises.

Anyone who believes they can help detectives with their enquiries into the East Down Farmers theft is asked to contact Downpatrick police on 0845 600 8000 or use the Crimestoppers number 0800 555111.