Downpatrick scheme completion is welcomed by local councillors

Downpatrick scheme completion is welcomed by local councillors

18 July 2012

THE completion of an environmental improvement scheme at Market Lane in Downpatrick has been welcomed by two local politicians.

Councillor Colin McGrath and Cadogan Enright said business owners at this part of the town were unhappy that Market Lane had not been included in the original environmental improvement scheme which included Market Street and Scotch Street.

Councillor McGrath said the so-called streetscape initiative was designed to enhance the look of the town centre and while this was achieved, no work was carried out in Market Lane. But that all changed recently when money to finance the work at this part of the town was made available.

He said the completed scheme gives the impression of a ‘market’ and this should make the area attractive for people to shop in.

“With excellent links to the car park and Market Street, Down Council and other agencies and government departments must work now on bringing additional footfall to the town and generate unique selling points for the area,” continued Councillor McGrath.

He is also urging businesses to work alongside council officials to put packages together which will attract visitors to Downpatrick, providing retailers with “business they desperately need.”

Meanwhile, Councillor Enright has welcomed the way in which traders’ concerns were handled during the recent refurbishment of Market Lane.

He said local traders had expressed to him their concerns that business would be interrupted while the refurbishment work was carried out.

After the councillor passed on their concerns to council officers, he said he was delighted the project was then carried out with minimum disruption.

Councillor Enright added: “Traders preferences for how the project was completed and what street furniture was to be included were taken into account and I must complement council staff and contractors for the way in which this project was handled.”