Downpatrick man jailed

Downpatrick man jailed

23 May 2012

A DOWNPATRICK man who tried to intimidate a woman out of her home has been jailed for nine months.

Thirty three year-old Stephen John McEntee told the woman she had ten minutes to leave her Downpatrick home after he called to the Kennedy Square house on June 12, last year.

Downpatrick District Court was told that McEntee went to the house with another man at 9am and banged on the door.

When the woman refused to open up, they continued hammering on the door and warned her they would take the door of its hinges if she refused to open it.

The woman eventually opened the door and the man with McEntee told the woman they were from the IRA and she must leave her home and the street. The pair then left the estate.

The woman contacted the police and McEntee, of English Street, was arrested and changed with attempted intimidation.

“His involvement was that he was merely at the scene,” McEntee’s solicitor told the court. “He accepts he was there and involved in the offence.”

Deputy District Judge Mr Brian Archer told the defendant: “You have an appalling criminal record.”

McEntee is currently serving time in custody for another conviction and this sentence will be served concurrently.