Downpatrick man dies in Welsh river

Downpatrick man dies in Welsh river

18 July 2012

AN INQUEST has opened into the death of a former Downpatrick man whose body was found in the River Usk at Newport in Wales 10 days ago.

Thirty six year-old Gareth Davison Donnell died after being seen entering the river at 10.15am on Saturday, July 7, and disappearing under the water.

Gwent coroner David Bowen opened the inquest into his death last week and heard how police were called to the George Street bridge area after receiving a report about a man going into the water.

An inshore rescue boat from the Severn Area Rescue Association and a police helicopter were among those that took part in the search.

After the tide had receded, Mr. Davison Donnell’s body was recovered from the river bank at around 4.30pm the same day.

The inquest heard Mr. Davison Donnell was born in Downpatrick but had been living in the Cardiff area.

A post mortem examination was carried out at the Royal Gwent Hospital which gave the cause of death as drowning.

Police said there are no suspicious circumstances and that enquiries are still continuing into how Mr. Davison Donnell entered the water.

Mr. Bowen adjourned the inquest for three months to allow police enquiries to take place and released the body to his family for funeral purposes.