Downpatrick autism support body receives major boost from bank

Downpatrick autism support body receives major boost from bank

13 June 2012

LOCAL charity Children and Parents and Autism (CAPAA) has received a £2,680 donation from the Northern Bank’s Employees’ Charity Group.

The money will allow CAPAA, which promotes the personal development and education of children and young people who have communication and interaction needs, to host a Saturday Respite Project for autistic children, young people and their families.

The project will benefit 80 children and their siblings for one year, allowing them to learn new skills, increase their self-confidence, become more independent and improve their quality of life.

Moira Denvir, chairwoman of CAPAA, said the Saturday Respite Project was an invaluable resource providing much needed support and advice for children with autism, their siblings and wider family circle.

“As the project is currently funded solely through donations, financing the project over a long term period has been an ongoing concern,” she said.

“The money provided through Northern Bank’s Employees’ Charity Group is vital as it will allow us to continue to provide vital support across the Down region for the rest of the year.”

CAPAA was established in 2007 in Down District to provide children and young people, as well as their families, with respite and professional care.

The Saturday Respite Project, which takes place on alternate Saturdays for three-10 year olds and nine-14 year olds, allows children to take part in a range of social opportunities and activities including art, games and play sessions, which all aim to aid personal development.