Crossgar sports project to be subject of meeting

Crossgar sports project to be subject of meeting

25 April 2012

SPORTS clubs in the Crossgar area are to be invited to another special meeting to discuss the location of a new community facility in the village.

Confirmation of the meeting comes after talks were held last week to discuss the issue during a meeting organised by the Crossgar Community Association.

Consultants appointed by Down Council have completed a feasibility study which looked at a number of options for the proposed new cross-community facility in the village primarily earmarked for sports use.

The preferred option for the new facility is St. Colmcille’s High School’s Killyleagh Road campus, while suggestions have been tabled by local people for a 3G sports pitch at the Kilmore playing fields.

Community association chairman, Mr. Paul Teggart, said a meeting held on Monday night of last week was attended by representatives from local sports clubs and associations to agree on a site for the new Crossgar facility.

“The meeting was specifically for sports clubs and associations but some members of the public were also in attendance,” he explained.

“When it came to voting for the location of the new facility, a number of people expressed concern that they did not have enough information on the various sites the consultants had examined.”

Mr. Teggart suggested these concerns should have been highlighted last February at a public meeting to discuss the new sport and community facility which was addressed by a senior council official.

“We had a complaint at last week’s meeting that Crossgar Hockey Club had not been invited, but the club is no longer in existence,” he explained.

“One suggestion from the floor was that the former PSNI base at the Saintfield Road in Crossgar could house the proposed new facility but this site wasn’t closed when the feasibility study was carried out.”

Mr. Teggart suggested if this site was to be considered it would mean there would have to be an updated feasibility study compiled which would further delay the start of work on the project.

He continued: “The people of Crossgar need a new sports complex as soon as possible to meet the needs of a growing and developing population.

“When the community association receives more information from Down Council on the various sites examined for the new complex in the village, an invitation will be sent out to sports clubs to attend another meeting. This will not be a public meeting.”

Mr. Teggart also warned if agreement on the preferred site can’t be reached at the next meeting, the ultimate decision about where the sports complex will be located will be taken by Down Council.