Crossgar’s Aaron eyeing German landscape prize

Crossgar’s Aaron eyeing German landscape prize

8 August 2012

A CROSSGAR student is bound for Germany next year to take part in the prestigious competition.

Aaron Jamison is part of a six member team which will be taking part in the landscaping section of the Worldskills finals being held in Leipzig in Germany.

Aaron has recently returned from England where he was part of a small landscaping team which competed in the Royal Horticultural Society’s Tatton Park Flower Show.

The team achieved two Silver Gilt medals for their gardens and it was during this event that Aaron was told he had been selected for the UK Worldskills landscape panel.

Aaron’s journey began in the last month of his course back in May when he was selected along with five fellow students, to represent Greenmount campus at the Worldskills trials.

The range and technical difficulty of the landscaping tasks he was charged with did not faze him and he was identified as one of 13 young people who displayed the attributes necessary to represent the UK on an international stage.

After his initial trial, Aaron attended both the Great Yorkshire Show and Tatton Park Flower Show where, along with 12 other finalists, he was required to build a number of show garden displays. Aaron excelled in this pressurised environment and was rewarded with his place in the final team UK panel.

He even managed to fit in his graduation from the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Horticulture course as well.

Paul Mooney, Head of Horticulture Education at Greenmount, said: “Following CAFRE’s previous success in having a Greenmount trained horticulturalist as part of

the two person team that represented the UK in the World-

skills competition held in London last year, all at Cafre now wish Aaron every success on his quest to represent the UK in Leipzig 2013.

“A good result would be an excellent achievement for Aaron personally and a great endorsement for Greenmount.