Councillor seeks joined up strategy for forest future

Councillor seeks joined up strategy for forest future

25 April 2012

A SENIOR politician has called for the creation of a new body to plot the future development of forests in the Mournes.

Councillor Willie Clarke said the new body should involve representatives from the Forestry Service, Tourist Board, Mourne Heritage Trust, the Environment Agency, Countryside Access and Activity Network (CAAN) and community representatives who would work to develop master plans.

The Newcastle councillor said there is a need to realise what a great resource the forest estate across the Mournes is, explaining a partnership approach is essential moving forward. He said there is also a need for integrated master plans to maximise the potential for any funding streams that become available.

“This will enable the vision of the master plans to be planned, programmed, resourced and delivered within clearly defined timelines,” councillor Clarke continued.

“Down and Newry and Mourne Councils along with the Forestry Service, Sport NI and the Tourist Board have already illustrated the potential of working in partnership by delivering the mountain biking project for Castlewellan and Rostrevor forest parks which will see international events being held in South Down.”

Councillor Clarke believes this new venture should enable more local people to be able to set up business enterprises which will have the potential to create many hundreds of jobs throughout South Down.

He continued: “Tourism related businesses include mountain biking, children play park activity centres and hostel accommodation and local food tourism.

“Castlewellan and Tollymore forest parks have a great turnover of visitors, but there is a need to improve the visitor experience by restoring attractions such as the arboretum and adding new attractions such as high ropes obstacle activities.”

Councillor Clarke suggested that for tourism to be embraced by the entire South Down population, people have to be afforded the opportunity to be able to create new business ventures that provide the visitor with an exciting holiday. He said the having additional recreation and leisure pursuits is a priority.

The Newcastle councillor added: “It makes sense to have one management organisation to co-ordinate the future of forest resources. This cannot be taken forward without community involvement in maintaining and managing these great tourist and local community assets.”