Coogan is new chairman

Coogan is new chairman

20 June 2012 - by BY DAVID TELFORD

DOWN Council has a new chairman.

Ballynahinch Sinn Fein councillor Mickey Coogan was elected to replace the SDLP’s Dermot Curran as the district’s first citizen at the local authority’s annual meeting on Monday night.

Rowallane SDLP councillor Maria McCarthy is the new vice-chairwoman, replacing Sinn Fein’s Liam Johnston.

Councillor Coogan is the second Republican to be elected Down Council’s chairman and has vowed to represent all the people of the district during his term in office. He said he’s conscious that in his role as chairman, he’s representing the council, the district and all its citizens.

The Ballynahinch councillor said he considered it a “great honour” to be elected chairman and said he has been inspired by his predecessors, admitting to watching and studying their work over the years.

“It is my aspiration to carry out the business of Down Council in a similar manner with the support and co-operation of all elected members,” he continued.

Looking ahead to his term of office, councillor Coogan admitted some difficult decisions have to be made as the local authority continues to strike a balance between efficiency savings and high quality service provision.

He continued: “Nevertheless, it is an important year and I intend to make it a fruitful one. I promise to work hard to represent everyone as we strive to achieve a maximum for the people of the district.”

The new chairman said during his term he wants to focus on working with the community and voluntary sectors.

“These are the people of our district who put others first, the people who give something back, who live and breathe to help others because they choose to, not because they have to,” he continued.

“I intend to work in partnership with a wide range of groups from across our district and help them deliver on major projects and schemes.”

Councillor Coogan added: “Every town, village and townland, every community, regardless of faith or political persuasion, rightly expects equal representation and I intend to provide that to the best of my ability.”

Councillor McCarthy said she felt “honoured” to be selected by her party and endorsed by her fellow councillors as the council’s youngest ever vice-chairwoman. In the year ahead, she wants to represent community groups, young people and sport.

She added: “It will be a busy time for council with the review of public administration and the local authority’s restructuring process. There is also the difficult economic climate facing local people, but I shall work with my colleagues to ensure the highest standard of public service and the best value .