Concern over dog attacks

Concern over dog attacks

17 July 2024

A SPATE of dog attacks on livestock in the Mournes has prompted an urgent appeal for owners to keep their pets under control.

New figures have revealed there were over 20 incidents between  March last year and April, but it’s believed the figure is greater as many attacks in the high Mournes go unreported.

Three organisations have this week joined forces to appeal to dog owners to keep a tighter rein on their pets with Northern Ireland Water, Mourne Heritage Trust and the National Trust urging them to be more responsible.

The organisations care for much of the High Mournes and are so concerned at what is happening that they have gone public to appeal to dog owners to keep their pets on a lead to not only reduce livestock attacks, but prevent wildlife disturbance.

Over half a million people visit the Mournes each year, with many bringing their dogs with them. The level of livestock worrying has been described as a “massive issue”.

A new video has also been produced to help educate people about the importance of keeping dogs on leads in the Mourne uplands and it was shown at last Saturday’s Castlewellan Show as part of the drive to reinforce this message.

Sam McConnell, of Mourne Conservation Graziers, said there is a long history of grazing livestock on the Mournes and that these traditional farming practices have helped create the landscape which people enjoy today. 

He said historically, mountain areas were grazed by a mixture of sheep and cattle, creating species rich landscapes.

In addition, Mr McConnell explained grazing forms part of good management of the Mournes, as some habitats rely on it for their good condition or even existence.

“Livestock worrying in the Mournes is becoming a massive issue,” he declared.

“At certain times of year, the sheep are heavily pregnant and it can cause them to miscarry. We’ve also seen several legs and backs broken. 

“The majority of the walkers are responsible and abide by the rules, but you get a few that cause problems when they let their dogs off lead when they think there’s no sheep out. But around the next corner and over the next hill, there’s sheep that they haven’t seen.”

Mr McConnell said dogs have a natural curiosity and this means that any dog can cause distress, or worse to livestock or wildlife.  

“Dog attacks on sheep cause obvious suffering, but they also have a financial, emotional and time impact on farmers and their families,” he explained

“Dogs off lead can also trample and damage fragile plants and flowers, as well as the nests of ground nesting birds, leaving eggs exposed to the cold and predators.”

Mr McConnell said the Mournes are home to ten species of ground-nesting birds including the Grouse, Skylark and Wheatear. 

“Their well camouflaged nests are at risk from habitat loss and disturbance by people and their dogs,” he added.

National Trust lead ranger, James Fisher, said the Mournes is such an important place for so many reasons.

“It’s a farmed landscape and Northern Ireland’s top recreational hiking area which is home to rare plants, birds and only reptile,” he continued.

“One fifth of our population gets its drinking water from the Mournes and, for many, the view of the majestic mountain range brings much joy and solace.”

James said the area has always been a popular hiking destination, explaining that since the Covid pandemic, there has been a big increases in the number of people visiting. 

“Walking in open spaces has increased fourfold, along with a doubling of dog ownership, so it’s easy to see why walking with dogs off leads in the countryside has become more problematic,” he said.

James added: “We all need to play our part to help look after the area and the partnership recognises the benefits of walking in the open countryside and the pleasure that owning a family pet can bring.

“That’s why the message is simple. Keep dogs on lead at all times in the Mourne uplands.”