Businessman angry over factory refusal

Businessman angry over factory refusal

20 June 2012

A DOWNPATRICK businessman says he cannot understand why planners have changed their minds about approving an extension to his factory which has already been built.

Planners approved a retrospective application for the factory extension at the Finnebrogue Road last February, but the form confirming their decision was never issued.

Planners are now recommending that Mr. Lynn’s application for the extension should not be approved as they have been provided with “insufficient information.”

Planners say drawings they have been provided with are “not reflective of the development on the ground at present to enable them to properly determine the application.”

Their recommendation is due to be discussed by local politicians at their monthly meeting next Monday night.

Ahead of the Down Council meeting, Mr. Lynn said he is “surprised” at the planners’ recommendation and hopes it will be deferred in order for talks to take place to address the issue.

“This application was approved in February, but now four months later there is a recommendation to refuse it. I am at a complete loss to understand what has changed as nothing has happened at the site,” he said.

Mr. Lynn added: “Life is hard enough. We currently employ over 100 people and turnover in excess of £15m pounds. In my view, it’s imperative to the local economy and community that the issues which have arisen are dealt with in a timely manner.”