Brittany in fundraising drive after father’s sudden death

Brittany in fundraising drive after father’s sudden death

17 July 2024

A WOMAN who lost her father after he suffered an allergic reaction triggered by a wasp sting has launched a fundraiser for an emergency service that tried to save his life.

Ulster Rugby player Brittany Hogan said the air ambulance provide her family with “precious last hours” after her father Eamonn took ill.

Mr Hogan (43), from Kilcoo, had just collected his youngest daughter Alexandra from school when tragedy struck on June 13, last year.

He was stung by a wasp and, unbeknown to him, he had a severe allergy which caused him to go into anaphylactic shock.

Mr Hogan pulled over as he knew something was wrong and, after getting out of the van, immediately collapsed.

His daughter called family and soon was connected via 999 to ambulance control who stayed on the line with her with the air ambulance and Helicopter Emergency Medical Service team was dispatched.

A number of people also stopped to help and were able to provide CPR on Eamonn until the arrival of emergency services.

Sadly, Mr Hogan died in hospital two days later.

His daughter Brittany, a talented rugby player, has launched the fundraising initiative to support Air Ambulance NI.

“We would like to fundraise in memory of my dad for this incredible charity who provided us our precious last hours with him,” she said. 

“We would also like to highlight the importance of carrying an epipen if you have any known allergies. Anything you can donate would be greatly appreciated.”

Ulster Rugby has also appealed to people to support Brittany and her family who want to thank the Air Ambulance NI charity for its “ aliant efforts in responding to the emergency”.

The club said the “cause is particularly close to their heart, and the entire Ulster Rugby team stands firmly behind her”.

In a statement the club is urging all Ulster Rugby fans and the wider community to join them in supporting Brittany’s fundraising efforts.

“Every donation, big or small, will make a real difference in helping Air Ambulance NI continue their life saving work. Together, we can honour Eamonn’s memory and ensure the Air Ambulance NI charity has the resources it needs to keep our communities safe.”

The statement added: “By sharing this story and Brittany’s fundraising initiative, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of Air Ambulance NI and the crucial role it plays saving lives.”