Birthday party planned for Downpatrick estate

Birthday party planned for Downpatrick estate

8 August 2012

A PUBLIC meeting is being held tonight in Downpatrick to establish a new residents’ group for the Ardmeen Green estate which is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

To mark the occasion, a steering group has been working on a number of initiatives which will be outlined at tonight’s meeting in the Ballymote Community Centre, starting at 7pm.

Mr. Colum Vaughan, one of the steering group members, said the proposals include a special anniversary publication featuring articles and photographs which he says will provide a social history of the estate.

A commemorative granite boulder bearing details of the estate is to be placed in the locally named “middle green” beside the post box and it’s hoped this particular area will also be landscaped.

Mr. Vaughan said the formation of a new residents’ group will help formulate and oversee the anniversary celebrations and also in future provide a platform for people to debate issues they may have and make direct contact with statutory agencies.

“We are making progress with the anniversary celebrations and have secured funding for the granite boulder and the proposed publication from the East Down Rural Community Network. We are delighted with the help and support this organisation is providing us with,” explained Colum.

The first residents moved in to the newly-built Ardmeen Green homes in June 1952 and when building work ended, 104 houses had been constructed.

One of the remarkable things about the Downpatrick estate is that some of the original residents are still living in the houses which became home six decades ago. They include Colum’s parents, Senan and Patricia Vaughan, and Mrs. Mulvena Nelson. But there may be others.

“Ardmeen Green is a very special place to the people who grew up there and the estate is one of the oldest in Downpatrick.

“Everyone who has lived at the estate got on really well with one another in what was a mixed area where people looked after their homes and each other extremely well,” said Colum.

He hopes many people will attend tonight’s meeting to weigh in with their support for the anniversary celebrations and wants past and former residents who have stories to tell or any old photographs of Ardmeen Green to allow them to be used in the new publication.

Colum added: “What we want to do first is establish a residents’ group and focus on the anniversary celebrations. We want to hear what the people who live in the estate have to say and would also be delighted to welcome and hear from former residents at tonight’s meeting.”

Anyone who can help Colum is asked to contact him at or telephone 07719 599949.