Beach clean up in Newcastle

Beach clean up in Newcastle

6 June 2012

BUDDING sculptors, architects and sand castle builders descended on Newcastle beach recently.

Armed with buckets and spades they came up with a variety of designs and while building control officials may have questioned some of the final masterpieces, a fun filled afternoon was had by all.

A professional sculptor set the standard with a “toilet” image, which was fun to look at but also contained a very serious message.

Ahead of the event, there was a major clean-up at the beach involving local people, politicians and representatives from Newcastle Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber president, Mrs. Audrey Byrne, said the organisation is determined to work with local traders, the community and schools to achieve a first class beach for everyone.

She added: “Events like the sand castle competition and beach clean not only provide good fun, but raise an awareness on the importance of having a clean and healthy seaside resort.”

Councillor Patrick Clarke, who took part in the beach clean, highlighted the lack of litter bins for dog waste. He said the picturesque beach is part of the area’s natural environment and that it was very encouraging to see people making the effort on a very hot morning recently to remove rubbish.

Councillor Clarke said he was also pleased to see responsible dog owners carrying black bags with their animals while walking along the beach to collect their waste.

He continued: “During the beach clean at the Downs Road area passing the Slieve Donard Hotel, it was clear some dog walkers were leaving litter bags along the wall and on the sand. A number of these people indicated that there were no litter bins to deposit dog waste bags along this particular stretch.”

Councillor Clarke said he intends to ask Down Council environmental health officials to consider placing dedicated dog litter bins between the Downs Road entrance to the beach and the end of the Slieve Donard Hotel boundary.