Attacks continue at site of former Downe hospital

Attacks continue at site of former Downe hospital

18 July 2012 - by David Telford

THE former Downe Hospital in Downpatrick has been targeted by arsonists.

A fire was started on the ground floor of the empty building at Pound Lane last Friday evening with local firefighters managing to prevent the blaze from spreading.

The weekend fire is the third malicious blaze at this part of Downpatrick in recent weeks. At the end of last month, the former St. John’s care home in Pound Lane was targeted twice within three days by arsonists.

Last Friday evening’s incident has prompted calls from local politicians for the former hospital site to be made more secure to prevent further arson attacks.

South Down MP Margaret Ritchie has been lobbying the Trust, Department for Social Development (DSD), Down Council and the Strategic Investment Board to work together to make the former hospital site secure and to regenerate it.

She recently brought DSD Minister Nelson McCausland to Pound Lane and has urged him to draw up a so-called masterplan to redevelop this part of Downpatrick.

“It is deeply regrettable that yet another fire has been started at this site. What happened further reinforces the need for government to take immediate action to regenerate the area,” the MP declared.

Downpatrick councillor Colin McGrath described his discovery of children playing inside the former hospital building last weekend as “bewildering” and urged those involved in arson attacks at the former health complexes to stop.

“It is unfair and upsetting on local residents to have such major incidents taking place on their doorstep,” he declared.

“This is also not a crime without cost as it represents a considerable drain on the resources of the Fire and Rescue Service each time there is a call-out. Dealing with such blazes also poses a danger to firefighters.”

Councillor Dermot Curran believes that despite the outward appearance of the former hospital, the site offers “massive potential” and that every effort must be made to ensure its regeneration.

Councillor Curran said he is concerned that no progress has been made with the former hospital site which has been laying vacant for three years. He believes its location close to the town centre makes it an ideal venue for a new hotel.

“I have no doubt that the redevelopment of the old Downe site will not only provide a major boost for the local economy, but be warmly embraced by residents who live nearby at John Street and St. Dillons’ Avenue.”

Trust officials have confirmed contractors are currently erecting a new metal security fence around the perimeter of the former hospital complex at Pound Lane. The work has been ordered in response to residents’ concern about arson and vandal attacks at the former health complexes.

Trust officials have also confirmed they plan to bulldoze St. John’s and the former health clinic “as soon as possible” and dispose of the former hospital.