Arson attempt on ex-Legion premises

Arson attempt on ex-Legion premises

4 January 2017

ARSONISTS who attempted to torch an iconic building in the heart of Killyleagh last weekend put lives at risk, according to a local politician.

Premises in Catherine Street formerly owned by the Killyleagh and Killinchy Royal British Legion Branch were targeted by thieves on Sunday evening.

It is understood arsonists gained access to the three-storey building from the rear, but the blaze was prevented from spreading throughout the property and to nearby homes and businesses by fire crews from Downpatrick who rushed to the scene after the alarm was raised.

Councillor Billy Walker has described the arson attempt as “alarming” and said it is fortunate the fire did not get an opportunity to take hold. He said those responsible must be apprehended to prevent future attacks.

Several weeks ago, arsonists set fire to an empty house at the Kerry estate in Killyleagh with the quick actions of a care worker who raised the alarm credited with helping save lives, in particular, those of a young family living next door where the youngest of four children was just three months old.

Councillor Walker said the incident could have had “major repercussions” had it not been for the prompt response by the Fire and Rescue Service.

“There are homes and business premises either side of the former Legion building which has been vacant for some considerable time,” he said. “I shudder to think what would have happened if the fire had been started in the middle of the night and had time to spread. The situation we are talking about would have been significantly different.”

Councillor Walker said he is concerned the Catherine Street fire came so soon after the empty house at the Kerry estate was targeted by arsonists. He said it is also important to emphasise that the vast majority of young people in the town do not get involved in trouble and that it would be wrong to paint them all with the same brush.

However, the councillor said the issue of two arson attacks within a matter of weeks of each other is concerning.

“Lives and property were potentially put at risk on Sunday evening and the professionalism of the fire fighters who responded to the alarm is very much appreciated by the people of Killyleagh,” declared Councillor Walker.

“There needs to be an end to attacks of this nature, otherwise someone could end up with fatal injuries. I would appeal to those who think it is okay to set fire to empty buildings to realise the errors of their ways which could land them in jail and with a criminal record which would hang over them for many years and possibly impact on their future employment prospects. Setting fire to empty buildings is not fun. It could cost someone their life.”

Rowallane area councillor Terry Andrews has also condemned those responsible for the weekend attack. He said those involved need to take a step back and consider the potentially horrific consequences of their actions.

“I cannot understand the mindset of those who go out to set fire to people’s property. Why do they do this? There are homes and business premises either side of the former Legion building and we have to thank fire fighters for their swift response,” he said.

“It is deeply worrying there are those in the local community who deliberately set out with the intention of setting fire to this building. It is important those responsible are made amenable to bring an end to this behaviour.”

Councillors Walker and Andrews have also appealed to anyone with information about the weekend arson attack to contact police or use the confidential Crimestoppers number 0800 555111 to pass on information anonymously.