Arson attack on new £250,000 playground

Arson attack on new £250,000 playground

22 August 2012 - by Ciara Colhoun

A £250,000 playground in Downpatrick has been damaged in an overnight arson attack.

The toddler equipment at the Knocknashinna Park was set alight on Monday night, causing extensive damage to the equipment and safety matting underneath.

The incident has been condemned by local politicians who have warned that ratepayers will be forced to pay the bill for the vandalism.

South Down Assemblyman Sean Rogers said those responsible for setting the playpark alight had attacked local children’s right to play in a safe area.

He said the new play facility had been opened by Down Council last year at a cost of £250,000 and was a “fantastic facility” for the whole town.

“This is an attack on the Downpatrick community, on the right of local children to play in a safe area and on hardworking ratepayers who funded this play park,” he said.

“With council resources tight, it is not easy to come up with the money for this type of facility and to set it on fire is absolutely mindless.

“In the aftermath of the Olympics, increased efforts are being made to try to engage children in sport, play and a healthy lifestyle but this kind of wanton vandalism is a slap in the face to that work.

“I strongly appeal to anyone who knows who was responsible for this arson attack to contact the police immediately.”

Downpatrick councillor Colin McGrath visited the park on Tuesday morning to assess the damage.

“It is disgraceful what has been done at this park. This is a senseless attack on ratepayers and children,” he said.

“This facility is there for the whole community and it is very unfortunate that money will now have to be used for repairs.”