Aidy’s Hooley raises £20,500 for charities

Aidy’s Hooley raises £20,500 for charities

17 July 2024

A HOOLEY in Ardglass recently raised a phenomenal amount of money for local charities.

‘Aidy’s Hooley in the Barn’ featured singing and dancing with the annual event, now firmly established in the community calendar, raising an amazing £20,502.

Once again, Air Ambulance NI was a beneficiary, alongside the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust, and the MS Society, with each charity receiving £6,834.

Aidan Doyle – the driving force behind Aidy’s Hooley – coordinates the event each year from his own barn.

The evening feature performances by Clann Uí Huiginn, Ciaran Rosney and C&L Discos.

Air Ambulance NI’s area fundraising manager, Amy Henshaw, said the charity is “constantly humbled” by the generosity and dedication of those who fundraise for it which crucial to sustaining our lifesaving service.

“We are deeply grateful to Aidan and his team of helpers for their unwavering support year after year,” she continued. “We also extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supports Aidy’s Hooley, contributing to its remarkable fundraising success annually.”

Amy added: “This generous donation will fund one full day of the service, providing a lifeline to at least two patients facing major trauma.”

With an average of two missions per day, the medical team at Air Ambulance NI has responded to 4,235 since the service began in July 2017.

The charity marks its seventh anniversary next Monday. To make a donation visit