‘Unsustainable’ public toilets closed during holiday period

‘Unsustainable’ public toilets closed during holiday period

17 July 2024

A TOILET block in the heart of Newcastle is expected to remain closed for the remainder of the busy summer holiday period.

Newry, Mourne and Down Council is upgrading the Downs Road facility to ensure it can be accessed by people with a range of abilities and needs.

The local authority is investing £1.3m upgrading a number of toilet blocks across the district, but local people and visitors won’t be able to spend a penny at the Downs Road facility.

The toilet is located adjacent to a hugely popular children’s playground and is adjacent to the promenade and beach and is regularly teaming with people. But it is to remain closed for at least a few more weeks.

Mournes councillor, Jill Truesdale, is concerned that the toilets remain closed when it was hoped the upgrade work to provide a so-called changing places facility would have been completed by now.

She is concerned at the delay in completing the upgrade and the impact it will have on the town at the height of the summer season.

“The timeline for the completion was to be May or last month, but has now been extended until August or September,” Cllr Truesdale revealed.

“These toilets are located right beside the beach and a very popular play park. If a three-year-old tells you they need to go to the toilet, there isn’t a hope of reaching Castle or Islands Park where the nearest toilets are now located.”

Cllr Truesdale said that before upgrade work began, she had requested the provision of extra temporary toilets to be put in place.

“As a councillor living in Newcastle I see these issues play out very quickly,” she continued. 

“I’ve been contacted by numerous people and businesses who have either witnessed accidents occurring or are being repeatedly asked for the use of their toilet facilities. 

“How do you turn a child or elderly person away from a basic human right? This is unsustainable. Public toilets in Newcastle have been under par for many years and while we are finally getting an upgrade, this cannot be the price to pay.”

Cllr Truesdale asked what visitor wants to come for a day out and spend time worrying about the toilet facilities in Newcastle?

The Mournes councillor has been in contact with the relevant council director responsible for public toilets across the district and said she’s been given assurances the situation at the Downs Road is being reviewed this week.

“I am hoping for a swift and positive resolution to this distressing issue so that everyone can enjoy the rest of their summer,” she added.