Veteran McKee to stand in Mournes election

Veteran McKee to stand in Mournes election

30 January 2019

FORMER South Down MLA Harold McKee is bidding to make a return to local politics.

The Ulster Unionist Party has chosen Mr McKee to replace sitting Mournes councillor Jill Macauley on Newry, Mourne and Down Council when voters go to the polls on May 2.

Mr McKee was the UUP’s Mournes councillor following the 2014 local government elections, but resigned his council seat in 2016 following his election to the Assembly. 

A year later, Mr McKee lost his Stormont seat when the number of places for the South Down constituency was reduced from six to five.

Cllr Macauley has this week confirmed that she will be contesting a seat in the Banbridge DEA on  Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Council with Mr McKee chosen to defend her Newry, Mourne and Down seat.

UUP leader Robin Swann has congratulated Mr McKee on his selection, explaining that as one of his former Assembly colleague, he knows only too well how hard he has worked for his community throughout his years as a councillor and MLA.

“Harold is an honest and dependable representative who has a great track record of working hard for everyone,” said Mr Swann. 

“I look forward to supporting his campaign in the coming months along with our party team in Mourne. I also want to thank Cllr Macauley for representing the Mournes area with tremendous effort and enthusiasm over recent years.

“She has been a great part of our Ulster Unionist Council grouping and I wish her well in her campaign as she works with Cllrs Glenn Barr and Ian Burns to retain our seats in the Banbridge DEA of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.”

Cllr Macauley said she was excited to have been given the opportunity to put her name forward to represent the Banbridge area and will work closely with her party colleagues to ensure the UUP retains the three seats it currently holds. 

Cllr Macauley, who has been chosen to replace Alderman Elizabeth Ingram who is stepping down, said she was “relatively new” to local government, having being co-opted to replace Mr McKee.

She continued: “I can’t stress enough how thoroughly I have enjoyed my time as a councillor for the Mournes area. I have met some wonderful people and great organisations within our district who do sterling work and I will certainly miss that. 

“I have made many new friends and been involved in some great community projects so I’ll most definitely not be a stranger to the area. I will continue to work hard in my councillor role alongside Harold until May’s election.”

Cllr Macauley said she was also delighted Mr McKee has put his name forward to represent the people of Mourne again and was confident he will “continue the great work that he did during his time as a councillor and MLA for South Down.”

She said it was a “great honour and privilege” to work on behalf of the people of Mourne for the past two and half years, admitting she loved every minute of it and would miss the good working relationships she has with her council colleagues and Newry, Mourne and Down Council staff.