Terry has photographic competition Wrapped up

Terry has photographic competition Wrapped up

15 March 2023

WEATHER conditions last Thursday forced a last-minute change to proceedings for the annual Charlie Rutledge competition at Ballynahinch Camera Club.

Judge Darren Brown joined members by Zoom and instead of judging black and white prints, he used his expertise to judge the many high quality images which had been submitted as JPEGs.

As the snow fell outside, Darren and the club members were safe and warm at home as he critiqued photographs and in many instances offered useful suggestions as to how they could be improved. 

At the end of the evening Darren announced his winners: 1st Terry Hanna, 2nd Alan Chowney, 3rd Muriel Darling. Terry and Alan also had images which were commended and highly commended.

Club chairman Alan Chowney commended all the members who had submitted images for the competition which is held annually in memory of founding member Charlie Rutledge, who had a passion for mono photographs.

At this week’s club meeting, there will be a ‘Still Life’ workshop in advance of next year’s competitions which will include this genre as one of its themed rounds.