PLANS to replace the lamp at St John’s Point Lighthouse in Killough with a modern LED light are to be opposed by local residents.
The Commissioners of Irish Lights — who are responsible for the lighthouse built in
1844 — intend to disable the current lamp which beams out across Dundrum Bay and replace with it a static flashing light.
A number of residents are “dismayed” at the proposal and have written to the Commissioners to outline their opposition. Plans are being drawn up to hold a meeting in Killough to allow residents an opportunity to have their say on the controversial proposal.
Killough resident Eileen Peters explained if the iconic lamp is taken out of service, the sweeping beam which shines out from the lighthouse lamp would sadly become a thing of the past.
She revealed the Commissioner’s proposal was discussed at a recent meeting of the Killough Community Association when members agreed the lighthouse beam is of “cultural and historical significance” for the village and the surrounding area.
Eileen said while the community group understands funding is available to convert the lighthouse into a “heritage site” a number of people in the village hope the money could instead be used instead to maintain what she described as the “beautiful and unique character of the lamp and beam which is appreciated for miles around.”
Eileen explained when she contacted the Commissioners she was informed that people in Killough were “happy” with the proposal to change the iconic lamp.
“News of what the Commissioners are planning is just starting to reach people in the village and many are not happy. People I have spoken to about the proposal are dismayed,” said Eileen.
“There are those who love to see the lighthouse beam shining out across the bay and it’s our understanding that the LED light will not stretch as far out across the water and that rather than rotate, will flash on and off.”
Eileen confirmed she has started an online petition and hopes the power of social media will help spread the word about the Commissioner’s proposals for the historic lighthouse which was originally fitted with a whale-oil burning lamp.
Over the years, various upgrades to the light were made, first to gas powered lamps, then to paraffin and most recently to electricity.
Eileen said the main characteristic of the St. John’s Point lighthouse is the beam from its lamp and claimed more people are opposed to the Commissioners of Irish Lights plan than are in favour of it.