New £3m Downpatrick supermarket gets approval

New £3m Downpatrick supermarket gets approval

19 October 2022

PLANS for a new £3m supermarket in Downpatrick is being recommended for approval by local planners.

The Henderson Group is planning to redevelop the former St Patrick’s Boys’ Primary School site at the junction of John Street and St Dillon’s Avenue in Downpatrick to provide a new Eurospar with the investment expected to create around 30 new jobs.

The grocery giant has unveiled major proposals for the development in Downpatrick to create a petrol station, one retail unit, canopy, food outlet and car park at the former school site which also borders the Ardglass Road.

A proposal to develop the brownfield site — which adjoins playing fields, housing and St Mary’s High School — was submitted to local planners in October 2020 and features a jet wash, ATM and parking for up to 53 vehicles, with an additional six beside the petrol pumps.

Future provision is also being made for space to charge electric vehicles at the proposed new garage with the planners’ recommendation to approve the new development to be discussed at today’s meeting of Newry, Mourne and Down Council Planning Committee.

Twenty one objections to the proposed investment were lodged with planners with the issues raised including traffic congestion, road safety, flooding issues, noise and lighting disturbance, the impact of supermarket operating times on families, noise and visual impact and the impact on the Ballymote Centre.

Planning papers made public ahead of today’s meeting reveal the proposed supermarket is 17 metres high and almost 55 metres wide and will be located to the east of the site with the front elevation facing towards John Street.

The retail unit would have a gross floorspace of 519 square metres, while the hot food unit will be  84 square metres.

The forecourt will be a three-pump island design and the planned canopy standing just over six metres high and 24 metres wide.

Planning papers confirm that access to the proposed new supermarket will be via the Ardglass Road with exit on to John Street, with a pedestrian access on to St Dillon’s Avenue. 

A controlled pedestrian crossing is to be provided at the Ardglass Road, close to St Mary’s High School.

If planning approval is rubber-stamped today, once construction on the new development has concluded, the existing Spar shop at nearby Edward Street will close.

Planners say it is considered that the proposal will not result in any “significant or unacceptable residential impact” on any adjoining properties or character of the area due to its design, size and location.

“It is deemed that the proposed building, canopy and other structures within the site would not have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties in terms of loss of privacy, light and outlook,” the planing papers continue.

In conclusion, the planning papers say the proposed new supermarket would not be visually harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area and would not cause “unacceptable harm” to residential amenity or road safety.

“Given the scale and nature of the proposals it would nit have an adverse impact on the overall economic vitality and viability of Downpatrick town centre or any local centre and would be of an appropriate scale for its urban location,” the planning papers continue.

They add: “The proposal is considered to comply with relevant planning policies and it is recommended that the application be approved, subject to conditions.”