Lighthouse plan opposed

Lighthouse plan opposed

22 January 2025

THE Government department responsible for the historic environment has been asked to oppose controversial plans to downgrade the iconic sweeping beam at St John’s Point lighthouse in Killough.

The appeal to the Department for Communities Historic Environment Division (HED) comes after the Commissioner of Irish Lights lodged a bid to secure listed building consent to alter the beam, reducing its range down to 18 miles.

South Down MLAs Colin McGrath and Andy McMurray have raised their concerns about the proposal with the HED, with Newry, Mourne and Down Council asked to double down on its opposition to the proposal.

The Dublin-based Commissioner (CIL) is seeking approval to reduce the scale of the lighthouse beam and replace a mercury bath— on which the lighthouse’s giant Fresnel lamp rotates — with a rotating ball bearing mechanism.

CIL insists the work, which includes replacing a 1,000 watt high energy lamp with a 90 watt LED bulb, is necessary with the emphasis on improving the reliable and safe operation of the lighthouse for the mariner. 

The organisation said the existing high energy lamp will soon become unavailable due to energy efficiency regulation changes which will make it impossible to source, with the planned programme of work necessary to ensure the “safe and reliable operation” of an aid to navigation in a sustainable way.

CIL insists the proposed work will retain the rotating Fresnel lens and unique flash character of the light, with the Killough proposal similar to projects which have already been completed at Tory Island, Rathlin West and Rathlin East lighthouses.

The organisation says the Killough project utilises an innovative bearing system and light technology based on extensive research.

The Lecale Lightkeepers campaign group which is vehemently opposing the proposal, insists the current beam, historic Fresnel lens and rotating mechanism must be retained and utilised as an important element of living history, not solely a navigational aid, for generations to come.

Campaigners argue any attempt to replace the rotating beam with a less effective LED light must be revisited and contend that fitting LEDs at other lighthouses has not been successful. 

They have also dismissed CIL claims that the mercury bath at the lighthouse poses a health risk, labelling them a “red herring”.

Mr McGrath, who has also written to local planners, described the lighthouse as a “focal point” for many across the Lecale area and beyond and a “truly historic monument” within the community. 

He said the historic nature of the lighthouse and it’s “beautiful sweeping beam” and historic mercury based Fresnel system are integral to its character. 

“The proposals set out by CIL to modernise the lighthouse by removing the mercury system and replacing the beam with LED lighting is something to which I have given careful consideration,” he continued.

“After multiple meetings with the Lecale Lightkeepers and listening to the proposals by CIL, I could not in good conscience support this move. I believe it would be detrimental to the character of the lighthouse, and is not practical.”

Mr McGrath added: “ The inherent will of the community is to retain St John’s Lighthouse as is and this must be respected.”

Mr McMurray and Cllr Helena Young are backing campaigners’ concerns about the proposed changes at the lighthouse.

Mr McMurray said people were concerned about the loss of the “unique engineering aspects” of the lighthouse. 

“There is concern these changes would result in the loss of the light’s unique ‘loom’ and reduce the range of the light by nine miles,” he remarked. 

“People strongly feel that these aspects of the light’s industrial and intangible heritage must be protected.

“St John’s Point lighthouse is a very special light and we need to do our level best to protect it.” 

Mr McMurray, who raised his concern with CIL, said its opinion is that the proposed changes are necessary in order to comply with health and safety regulations, climate legislation, and to provide a reliable service as an Aid to Navigation.”

He added: “I have also written to the Minister for Communities, whose Department’s Historic Environment Division is a statutory consultee for planning permissions involving listed buildings. The Minister has noted my constituents’ concerns and highlighted that the public is able to make representations to the local council through the planning system and I would encourage anyone interested in this matter to make their views known.”