SOME 50 lady golfers ignored the recent poor weather and enjoyed their Christmas dinner and prize giving at Ardglass Golf Club.
After a sumptuous meal, Ardglass lady captain Teresa McAteer presented the trophies to this year’s lucky winners.
She congratulated vice-captain Anne Conaty, whose team won the Drumlin Shield in 2023. This is an annual friendly competition played between Ardglass, St Patrick’s and Spa Golf Club.
Vice-captain Anne Conaty announced that her vice captain for next year would be Una Kelly.
Anne Marie Perry organised a quiz which provided more laughs than correct answers.
The lady captain congratulated the winners and runners-up and thanked all those who had contributed to a very successful and enjoyable evening.
She wished all a Merry Christmas and good golf next year.
The ladies fondly remembered past lady captain and past club president Margaret Mulhall, who had passed away recently.
She had been a member since 1937 and played her last competition in 2015 when she won the Joan McAlister Trophy with her daughter Catherine Kelly.
Prize winners: Golfer of the Year, Patricia Stewart and Catherine Kelly; McClure Salver, Margaret MacNabb; Froggatt Cup, Patricia Stewart; Ann Dickson Trophy, Anne King; Francis Lindsay Trophy, Roisin Denvir; Joan McAlister Trophy, Heather Duff and Patricia Stewart; Maureen Rice Memorial Trophy, Jennifer Cultra; Ethna McEvoy Memorial Trophy, Marian Magee; David Kennedy Cup, Marian Magee; Pat Smullan Trophy, Lesley Fay; Silver Medal, Angela Casey; Bronze Medal, Mary Torrens; Tom Wait Trophy, Jane Wood; Summer Ringer, Patricia Stewart; Birdie Tree Cat 1, Angela Casey; Birdie Tree Cat 2, Dorothy McMullan.