Gardening expert shares tips as new president elected

Gardening expert shares tips as new president elected

18 September 2024

THE ladies of Downpatrick Women’s Institute had plenty to celebrate as they were welcomed by president Edwina Marr at their September meeting.

The guest speaker was Ryan from Byrne’s Garden Centre, who shared his expert knowledge on how to take cuttings, what bulbs to plant in the next two-to-three weeks, when to expect flowers and how long they will last.

The vote of thanks by the vice-president, Margaret Orr, after which the members enjoyed a cup of tea with delicious treats provided by Karen Walker and Pat Mulhall.

The competition ‘My Favourite Flowery Mug or Cup,’ was won by Anne Rickard with Kate Beattie second.

Brenda Rea won the ballot and received two beautiful filled planters which were kindly donated by Ryan.

The lucky winners of the raffle were Debbie Warwick and new member Joan Cochrane.

The birthday girls for the summer months were Margaret Orr, Joan Cochrane, Geraldine Gray and Paddy Burns.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 9, at 7.30pm in Downpatrick Presbyterian Church Hall.


Seaforde WI

OUTGOING president Annabel Cleland welcomed the ladies of Seaforde Women’s Institute to their first meeting after the summer break. 

The new Federation chair, Brenda Richardson, chaired the AGM during which Margaret McDowell Wilcox was elected as the new president.

The coming year marks the 60th anniversary of Seaforde WI and plans are being put in place celebrate the landmark.

Thanks were extended to Helen Newell, Cilla Green,Jennifer Doherty,Adrienne O’Neil and Margaret Broome for their hard work in making syringe driver bags for the Friends Cancer Centre.

A warm welcome was given to visitor Mandy McCandless who, it is hoped, will be the first new member of our new season

The ballot was won by Margaret McCall and the birthday girls were Annabel Cleland (July), Judith Wainwright (August) and Hilda Fleming (September).

The winner of the monthly competition, which was for the heaviest apple, was Margaret McCall.

The winner of the Balbriggan Shield, which was a handmade coaster, was Helen Newell. Judith Wainwright was second and Pam McDonagh was third.

The winner of the Silver Rose Vase for the yearly competition was Jennifer Dougharty. Susan McDowell was second and joint third were Margaret Broome and Annabel Cleland.

The programme secretary informed members that she was waiting on confirmation for the Christmas event.