East Down AC young ones on the right track

East Down AC young ones on the right track

15 June 2022

FOR the juniors it was all about the track this week with a squad taking part in the NI and Ulster Age Group Championships. 

This was held over two days at the track at Antrim Forum with competitors able to take part in multiple events. 

It is great to see the EDAC juniors growing in confidence across the disciplines and there were some gritty performances as well as podium placings. 

Winning medals is a big achievement but the experience gained and the fun that is had being part of a busy track meet is also important. 

The weather at the weekend was rather mixed with occasional downpours and some blustery winds but that didn’t seem to impact on the enjoyment of those involved. 

Jessica Martin (U-14) competed in three events with a fourth place in her heat of the 80m being her best result on paper. 

Her long jump was held in horrible conditions but she still placed ninth in it and eighth in the high jump showing great determination. 

In the U-15s Aaron Lennon was a close fourth in the 800m in a time of 2.23. The 800m was run as a straight final. 

His sister Hannah also acquitted herself well in her events - long jump, 100m and 200m. She was third in her heat of the 200m and second in her heat of the 100m but missed out on places in the finals due to numbers. 

Jamie Skeoch, also U-16, took part in both the 100m and 200m. He came fourth in his heat of the 100m gaining a place in the final where he came ninth.

He also came fourth in his 200m heat. 

James Wright (U-16), fresh from setting a high jump personal best of 1.68m at the Down High sports day where he broke the record for that event, was out to make his mark. 

He did so by winning his event in style. He was unlucky not to clear the 1.70m height but 1.65 was more than enough to surpass the other participants and take the gold medal. 

On Sunday Jacob Crawford ran in the U-17 3K which was combined with the U-19 and U-20.

This might have been unsettling if he was tempted to try to run off at the speed of the older more experienced athletes but he stuck to his own game and slashed a good bit off his previous best time. 

He clocked 10.02.25 for a new standard and will surely edge below ten minutes in the near future. 

Ollie Robinson was in the U-17 400m, an event that he is slowly making his own

He went out with the goal of even pacing and looked very much in control as he rounded the last bend. 

He took the win in 52.44 to secure the gold medal. With two Ulster champions and a wealth of learning, the event was declared a success for the East Down AC juniors. 

Congratulations to Ollie and James on their podium success and well done to all the others who held their own at this high standard event. 

Thanks are due to Peter Morgan for co-ordinating the athletes both before and during the racing and to the parents who helped out with transport and supervision. 

Hopefully the other juniors will feel encouraged by the positive feedback to have a go before the season ends.

If it was track for the juniors, it was mountains and hills for the seniors.

The Mourne Way 10K organised by 26Extreme took place on Saturday. 

Alice and Paul Brear-Clarkson had been the first male and female in the same race last year and so they returned keen to attempt a joint title defence. 

It starts in Rostrevor Forest Park and makes its way to the finish via an arduous mix of trail and off road with a lot of climbing. 

Alice and Paul set off with intent and soon carved out a lead. Once they had ped the pack they continued side by side for the duration. 

When the finish line duly appeared, they both sped up eager to be done and as one surged the other matched until a full scale sprint ensued. 

At this stage it was every man, or in this case woman, for themselves and Alice managed to scrape in first in a time of 46.19 with Paul one second behind.

This gave them not just first male and first female but first and second overall and hopefully no marital fallout. Well done to the two of them. The Loughshannagh Horseshoe, one of the more demanding of the Hill and Dale series took place on Thursday past. 

The eighth race of the series was blessed with good weather which made things slightly easier on the runners. East Down AC representation had dwindled to a hardy duo. 

Niall Gibney with characteristic zest was seen to be launching himself downwards on the mountain in a determined fashion to make it home in 52.25 in 23rd place.

With a full field of 185 in this is a worthy performance. 

Further back but in the zone was John Taylor, who was slightly less keen to hurtle uncontrollably on the descent and who can blame him.  He arrived safe and sound at the finish in one hour 15 minutes.

Next week is the penultimate race in the series, the Meels, starting at Meelmore Lodge but requiring pre-entry online. All details on the Newcastle AC website.