Downpatrick future plans

Downpatrick future plans

6 September 2023

A BLUEPRINT designed to help rejuvenate Downpatrick town centre will be formally unveiled next week.

The public launch of a new document detailing how the town could develop and potentially secure hundreds of thousands of pounds in new investment is eagerly anticipated.

Downpatrick is the first town in the province to pilot a so-called Living High Street initiative and over recent months local people have had a key input its final make-up via a series of workshops.

The document puts cultural activities and events, public realm and environmental initiatives, development and restoration projects, existing masterplan and the incorporation of new fresh ideas at its heart.

The blueprint — which will be unveiled at the Down Arts Centre next Tuesday night — has been co-designed by the Downpatrick Regeneration Working Group.

It has been working alongside the Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland, Department for Communities, Newry, Mourne and Down Council, key stakeholders and local community on the pilot initiative.

The regeneration group’s brief was to look at what’s wrong with the town, what could be improved, examine what draws people to other towns and implement change locally and while it was a challenging exercise, the organisation is confident the new Living High Street initiative can transform the town.

Group members also hope that as Downpatrick was chosen to pilot the scheme, this will position the town at the front of the funding initiative queue.

They believe the opportunity the town is being presented with should be grasped with both hands and that potentially exciting times lie ahead.

The regeneration group’s chairman, Mal McGrady, said he was “delighted” to be at the stage of launching the framework document. 

“We have engaged in an extensive series of workshops, meetings and surveys to ensure that this document represents the vision that all stakeholders in Downpatrick wish to see for the future,” he said.

“Significant contributions have been received from community groups, businesses, the public sector, schools, charities, and individuals young and old which have enabled us to prepare a wish list to progress regeneration in our town.”

Mr McGrady has also thanked committee members who have gave their time and advisers who provided technical guidance.

“We are delighted to be able to present this document and encourage as many interested parties as possible to join us at the launch,” he continued.

“Whilst it has been an intensive 11 months to get us to this stage, the reality is that the hard work is only starting now. We have to deliver as many of the targets as possible and now embark upon a journey of identifying and securing funding that will enable these changes to be made.”

Mr McGrady added: “This is the beginning of a process and I would ask everyone to join us on the journey to restore our town to a vibrant and safe centre for residents and visitors alike.”

Group vice-chairwoman, Cllr Oonagh Hanlon, described the framework as a “great example of co-design” and how working together can help build on existing attractions in the town and help establish it is as a “vibrant, thriving hub” for people to live, work, shop and relax in. 

“Downpatrick Regeneration group has shown great vision and worked hard to ensure the framework is detailed and deliverable. It is an exciting project,” she added.

Damian Mulholland, from the Department for Communities, welcomed the launch and looked forward to continue working with the regeneration group.

He added: “The process enabled all the stakeholders that have an interest in Downpatrick to shape and develop plans for their town and help make it a great place to visit, live and work.”

Council chairwoman Valerie Hart said a shared understanding of Downpatrick’s needs and unique assets had been developed.

“We have worked through the process set out by the so-called Craft Kit and captured all the ideas,” she said.

“Thank you to the local community and everyone involved who engaged with this fresh approach. The Living High Streets Framework has put Downpatrick in the best possible position to take advantage of future funding opportunities.”

Next Tuesday evening’s formal launch takes place at the Down Arts Centre at 5.30pm, while the framework document can be viewed online from next Tuesday by visiting