Downpatrick WI members at Christmas lunch

Downpatrick WI members at Christmas lunch

21 December 2022

THE December meeting of Downpatrick Women’s Institute was also the annual Christmas lunch and was held in the Garden Café at the St Patrick Centre. 

Despite the arctic weather conditions the president, Deirdre Ferris, welcomed members and especially new member, Kate Beattie to the very well attended delicious festive Christmas lunch, which was enjoyed by all.  

Secret santa gifts provided by committee members were raffled. The lucky winners were Helen Orr, Maud Bailie, Gladys Taylor, Brenda Rea, Anne Rickard, Louise Archbold, Edwina Marr; Anne Liggett, Kate Beattie and Fiona Gray. 

The competition for Christmas jewellery was won by Margaret Orr with Julia Robinson second.  The birthday girl prize was raffled (due no December birthday girl) and was won by Anne Deegan.

Money raised in the Christmas boot appeal was in aid of the Fountain Food Bank. 

The January meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 11, at 7.30pm in Downpatrick Presbyterian Church Hall. New members are welcome. The theme for the evening will be an ‘unused gift auction and quiz’.

Downpatrick Women’s Institute would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.