Cruelty to pigs charges

Cruelty to pigs charges

2 February 2022

A COUPLE charged with 11 counts of causing unnecessary suffering to pigs are to go on trial.

The husband and wife also allegedly failed to comply with animal by-product requirements by failing to insure that animals or birds could access pig carcases and body parts at their farm on the Drumcaw Road near Clough and another charge of failing to comply with a notice on an animal by-products regulation. 

Nigel Foster, of Whiterock Road, Killinchy, and his wife Josephine, who was charged under the name Killinchy Free Range Pork Limited, appeared by videolink at a preliminary enquiry hearing at Downpatrick Magistrates’ Court on Monday. 

All of the charges relate to alleged incidents at the farm between October and November in 2019. 

A prosecutor said that there was a case for the couple to answer.

Defence barrister Sean Doherty said the couple denied the charges, but had no contrary submissions to make at this stage.

Both defendants declined to gave any evidence to the court or to call any witnesses.

In applying for legal aid, Mr Doherty said Nigel Foster was a declared bankrupt and the couple were facing having their home repossessed.

District Judge Amanda Brady approved the application and released the couple on their own bail of £300 each to appear at Downpatrick Crown Court on a date to be fixed.