Castlewellan public realm scheme is welcomed

Castlewellan public realm scheme is welcomed

24 July 2024

WORK on a public realm scheme in Castlewellan offers fresh opportunities for the town, according to South Down MLA Colin McGrath.

He said it is terrific to see the scheme underway with a number of new trees planted and new railings installed in the town. 

Mr McGrath said the need for the railings goes back several years when former SDLP councillor Eamonn O’Neill worked to see their installation. 

“Eamonn could see how Castlewellan was getting busier and the 

need to have them installed was necessary to allow the steady flow of people. It is a testament to his work as well to see these now in place,” he said.

Mr McGrath said that along with the SDLP’s Castlewellan representative, Hugh Gallagher, he has been looking forward to seeing the public realm scheme completed.

He said they will be asking Newry, Mourne and Down Council for details of the completion date and when a number of bus shelters will be removed and replaced.

Mr Gallagher said while he welcomes the continued efforts to see the public realm scheme delivered fully, one element which does need to be prioritised is the removal of the outdated and ineffective bus shelters.

He said they need to be replaced with more up-to-date ones that will ensure people are properly sheltered from the elements.